Past Workshops/Conference Presentations (selected):
ACTFL 2019 - Washington, DC - November 22-24.
Making Authentic Resources Comprehensible in the Early Levels
TCI Maine, New England, & Beyond 2019 - Lewiston, Maine - October 17-18.
Building Diversity-Positive Characters in TPRS Stories
Creating a Cultural Treasure Trove: “Teaching” Culture Without Stereotyping
90% for the Other 99%: Increasing Meaningful Student Engagement with Comprehensible Input
IGNITE 2019 - Indigenous Gathering of Native language Instructional Techniques for Educators - Tahlequah, OK - June 17-20.
Plenary Session: Circle of Care & Cultural Jewels
90% for the Other 99%: Increasing Meaningful Student Engagement with Comprehensible Input
CI for Advanced Learners
Providing CI: Techniques vs Strategies
+ Beginning French Language Lab
GWATFL Spring 2019 - Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Language - National Cathedral School - Washington, DC - April 27.
Small Change, Big Impact: The Power of Adjectives
GWATFL Fall 2018 - Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Language - Norwood School - Bethesda, MD - November 3.
Authentic Resources: How to Use Them in the Early-Level Language Classroom
Express Fluency 2018 - Burlington, VT - August 6-9.
CI for Advanced Learners
+ Advanced French Language Lab
IGNITE 2018 - Indigenous Gathering of Native language Instructional Techniques for Educators - Tahlequah, OK - July 23-26.
Plenary Session: Creating Common Language
Introduction to Story Listening: A Pure Acquisition Approach (with thanks to Andrea Alford)
Plenary Session: Creating Common Language
+ Beginning French Language Lab
District of Columbia Public Schools Pre-Service Training August 15, 2018.
Creating a Cultural Treasure Trove: "Teaching" Culture Without Stereotyping
IFLT 2018 - Cincinnati, OH - July 16 - 20.
Empowered Storytelling: Identity, Stories, & the Brain (3-hour workshop)
NTPRS 2017 - San Antonio, TX - July 17-21.
Building Diversity-Positive Characters in Your TPRS Stories
Multilingual ≠ Multicultural: Challenging Assumptions in the World Language Classroom
Creating a Cultural Treasure Trove: "Teaching" Culture Without Stereotyping
Comprehensible Cascadia 2017 - CI Liftoff conference - Portland, OR - June 26-June 30.
Multilingual ≠ Multicultural: Challenging Assumptions in the World Language Classroom (3-hour workshop)
Creating a Cultural Treasure Trove: 'Teaching" Culture Without Stereotyping
Equity in Instruction Roundtable
Assessment for Equity Roundtable
IGNITE 2017 - Indigenous Gathering of Native language Instructional Techniques for Educators - Tahlequah, OK - June 19-21.
Illuminating Identity: A Necessary Condition for Reconciliation
Multilingual ≠ Multicultural: Challenging Assumptions in the World Language Classroom
GWATFL Spring Immersion Day 2017 - Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Language - National Cathedral School - Washington, DC - April 29, 2017.
Keynote: "Multilingual ≠ Multicultural: Challenging Assumptions in the World Language Classroom"
Fluency Matters - two-part webinar March 15 & 28, 2017.
"Rewriting the Story: Upending Bias through Language Learning"
SWCOLT 2017 - Southwest Conference on Language Teaching - Oklahoma City, OK March 2-4.
Rewriting the Story: Upending Bias through Language Learning" (60-minute workshop)
VSTA - Vancouver Secondary Teachers Association - Vancouver, BC - February 24, 2017.
"Illuminating Identity: A Necessary Condition for Reconciliation."
VSBL - Vancouver School Board Languages Conference - Vancouver, BC - February 24, 2017.
"90% for the Other 99%: Increasing Meaningful Student Engagement with Comprehensible Input."
GWATFL Fall Language Fest 2016 - Maret School - Washington, DC - November 5.
"90% for the Other 99%: Increasing Meaningful Student Engagement with Comprehensible Input"
CIMW 2016 - Comprehensible Midwest Conference - Milwaukee, WI - September 24.
"Building Diversity-Positive Characters in TPRS/CI Stories."
NTPRS 2016 - National TPR Storytelling Conference - Reno, NV - July 25-29.
"Building Diversity-Positive Characters in TPRS Stories."