cI (comprehensible Input)-based cherokee lessons taught by wade blevins
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Indigenous Gathering of Native language Instructional Techniques for Educators
2020 Conference cancelled due to COVID-19
**Stay tuned for information about potential offerings in lieu of conference**
IGNITE (Indigenous Gathering of Native Language Instructional Techniques for Educators) is a chance for teachers and learners of native languages to gather together to learn about best practices in language instruction, discuss with each other the successes and challenges to native/indigenous programs in your communities, and to experience first hand highly effective techniques and strategies.
This four-day conference has brought in some of the best World Language educators in the country who will familiarize you with highly effective Comprehensible Input teaching techniques and strategies developed for World Languages. Participants will learn the common terminology used in discussing language acquisition as well as become familiar with the research on how language is acquired. You will learn how to adapt common Comprehensible Input (CI) teaching techniques, skills and philosophies for your own indigenous language programs.
We will look at different types of language program models (FLEX, FLES and Immersion) and articulated instruction at the secondary level for all age learners, with an emphasis on creating programs focused on developing proficiency in the 3 modes of communication (Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational) identified by ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language).
We will also update you on the latest efforts of the Oklahoma State Department of Education in encouraging and supporting Native Languages in our state. Workshops and teaching labs will help you develop skills, plans, units and materials to be used immediately with your learners.
While the conference is hosted by Cherokee Nation, it is open to all tribes and native/indigenous language instructors. One highlight of the conference is a chance to experience a Comprehensible Input environment first hand in language labs. Many of our instructors teach less commonly taught / endangered languages like Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Scots Gaelic. Their experiences often mirror that of teaching our own languages.
Upon completion of the 4 day program, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion as well as a workbook containing templates, sample lessons and resources to use in your own indigenous language program.
The 2020 conference has been cancelled due to COVID-19.